2019 - Fairy tales of global consumer culture in a polarizing world. DOI: 10.1108/IMR-11-2018-0314. (.pdf: 6 p. 122 KB)
2017 - Comparing Dimensions of National Culture for Secondary Analysis of consumer behavior data of different countries. International Marketing Review, Vol 34, no 3, pp 444-456. (.pdf 13 p. 308 KB)
2016 - Measuring Cross-Cultural Differences of Ethnic Groups within Nations: Convergence or Divergence of Cultural Values? The Case of the United States.
With Jake Beniflah. Journal of International Consumer Marketing. DOI: 10.1080/08961530.2016.1227758 (.pdf: 9 p. 480 KB)
2015 - Cross-cultural Research in International Marketing: Clearing Up Some of the Confusion.International Marketing Review, Vol 32, no 6, pp 646-662 (.pdf: 17 p. 136 KB)
2015 - Cultural Marketing: Maximising Business Effectiveness in a Multicultural World. Journal of Cultural Marketing Strategy, Vol 1, no 1, pp 11-18. (.pdf: 8 p. 337 KB)
2013 - On the misuse and misinterpretation of dimensions of national culture. International Marketing Review Vol 30 no. 3, pp 253-261 (.pdf: 7 p. 75 KB)
2013 - How 'social' are social media? A cross-cultural comparison of online and offline purchase decision influences. With Kendall Goodrich. Journal of Marketing Communications. DOI: 10.1080/13527266.2013.797773. (.pdf: 14 p. 158 KB)
2011 - Cross-Cultural Consumer behavior: A Review of Research Findings. With Geert Hofstede. Journal of International Consumer Marketing Vol 23(3-4), 246-295 (.pdf: 12p. 164 KB)
2011 - New Technology Mirrors Old Habits: Online Buying Mirrors Cross-National Variance of Conventional Buying. With Kendall Goodrich. Journal of International Consumer Marketing Vol 23(3-4),181-192 (.pdf: 14p. 105 KB)
2010 - The Hofstede model. Applications to global branding and advertising strategy and research. With Geert Hofstede. International Journal of Advertising Vol 29 Number 1 (.pdf: 26p. 255 KB)
2004 - Translating Advertising. Painting the Tip of an Iceberg. The Translator. Volume 10, Number 2 (.pdf: 20p, 625 KB)
2003 - Consumer behaviour: convergence and divergence in consumer behaviour: implications for global advertising. International Journal of Advertising Vol. 22 Number 2. (.pdf: 20p, 175 KB)
2002 - Convergence and Divergence in Consumer Behavior: Implications for International Retailing. With Geert Hofstede. Journal of Retailing 78 (.pdf: 9p, 62 KB)
2001 - English version of "Convergencia y divergencia en el comportamiento de los consumidores" (Convergence and Divergence in Consumer Behaviour). Comunicación y Sociedad, Universidad de Navarra (.pdf: 14p, 136 KB) - Sumario en Español | Summary in English
2001 - Convergence and divergence in consumer behavior. Admap. October. (.pdf: 4p, 560 KB)
2000 - Viewpoint: the future is predictable for international marketers:Converging incomes lead to diverging consumer behaviour. International Marketing Review. Spring 2000, Vol. 17, No. 2 (.pdf: 11p, 74 KB)
1997 - Mapping Cultural Values for Global Marketing and Advertising. Paper ESOMAR 50th Congress, Edinburgh, 7-10 September, 1997 (pdf: 13.274 KB)